Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

Yesterday was a busy day and so no blogging. I had to get the green elephant out of the front-room, it was either that or put branches on it and decorate it. It's a long story that I'll relate on another occasion.

Newfoundland is pissed and rightly so. While Paul Martin was wooing Muammar Khaddafi, Danny Williams, Premier of Newfoundland was pulling down the Canadian flag from all provincial facilities. "Up side the head Bozo!" Get your ass back home before you don't have one to come home to. I know what your thinking, "Get real, this is Canada.” Ya, well remember, in years gone by there were many instances of a leader leaving his country only to find that he was persona non grata upon his return, if he had the nerve to. Wouldn't that be a hoot, a coup in Canada? Imagine this Globe and Mail headline. ”The Salvation Army seizes power and federal forces are holed up in the Diefenbunker and suing for peace.” What a pathetic and global embarrassment. Know what? Newfoundland could declare independence and Ottawa couldn't do a damn thing about it. All federal facilities could be taken over in a matter of hours and then what would Ottawa do? Call the UN for help? During the Trudeauopean years A few thugs in Quebec calling themselves the FLQ kidnapped British Trade Commissioner James Cross and Quebec Justice Minister Pierre Laporte in what came to be known as the October Crisis of 1970. Trudeau who had nothing but contempt for the military invoked the War Measurers Act, not done since the First World War. The outcome was that Laporte was murdered and Cross released unharmed for a free military provided plane ride to Cuba. If a few thugs could have that much power then just think of the power of a half a million justifiably angry Newfoundlanders now.

Newfoundland could make a deal with any number of countries to the tune of," Give us some back-up for fishing concessions." Beats Ottawa giving it all away anyway. Newfoumdland was suckered into Confederation, Newfoundland wasn't conquered, wasn't won by Canada on the battlefield, there is enough evidence to suggest that if taken to the world court( that Ottawa is so enamored of) they would lose and we could go back to being our own country. Look at places like Bermuda or the Bahamas who are doing damned well and look at us with all the resources and untold more not yet discovered. Smallwood sold Newfoundland down he river for his own self aggrandizement and gave our resources to Ottawa to use as bargaining chips to benefit the Canadian Cognoscenti. “How do I really feel?” you ask? Well it’s Christmas and so I’m full of the milk of human kindness and wish all people out there a very Merry Christmas.

To people in all corners of the world who speak divers languages the following should cover it.

Albanês: Gezuar Krishtlindje

Alemão: Froehliche Weihnachten


Armênio: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand

Basco: Zorionstsu Eguberri. Zoriontsu Urte Berri On

Bengali: Bodo Din Shubh Lamona

Boêmio: Vesele Vanoce

Bretão: Nedeleg laouen na bloavezh mat

Búlgaro: Tchestita Koleda; Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo

Celta: Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Cingalês: Subha nath thalak Vewa. Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa

Chinês: (Mandarin) Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan

(Cantonês) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun

(Hong Kong) Kung Ho Hsin Hsi. Ching Chi Shen Tan

Coreano: Sung Tan Chuk Ha

Cornish: Nadelik looan na looan blethen noweth

Cree: Mitho Makosi Kesikansi

Croata: Sretan Bozic

Checo: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok

Dinamarquês: Gladelig Jul

English: Merry Christmas

Escocês: Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur

Esperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon

Eslovaco: Sretan Bozic or Vesele vianoce

Esloveno: Vesele Bozicne. Screcno Novo Leto

Espanhol: Feliz Navidad!

Estoniano: Roomsaid Joulu Puhi

Farsi: Cristmas-e-shoma mobarak bashad

Finlandês: Hyvaa joulua

Francês: Joyeux Noel

Frísio: Noflike Krystdagen en in protte Lok en Seine yn it Nije Jier ! Galês: Nadolig Llawe

Grego: Kala Christouyenna!

Havaiano: Mele Kalikimaka

Hebraico: Mo'adim Lesimkha. Chena tova

Hindi: Bada Din Mubarak Ho

Holandês: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

Húngaro: Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket

Islandês: Gledileg Jol

Indonésio: Selamat Hari Natal

Iraquiano: Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah

Irlandês: Nollaig Shona Dhuit

Italiano: Buone Feste Natalizie

Japonês: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto

Kala: Khristougena kai Eftikhes to Neon Etos

Leto: Priecigus Ziemas Svetkus un Laimigu Jauno Gadu

Lituano: Linksmu Kaledu

Manês: Nollick ghennal as blein vie noa

Maori: Meri Kirihimete

Norueguês: God Jul Og Godt Nytt Aar

Polonês: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia

Português: Feliz Natal

Rapa-Nui: Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua

Romeno: Craciun Fericit

Russo: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom

Sérvio: Hristos se rodi

Samoano: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou

Sueco: God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt Ar

Tagalo: Maligayamg Pasko. Masaganang Bagong Taon

Tâmil: Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal

Tailandês: Sawadee Pee Mai

Turco: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun

Ucraniano: Srozhdestvom Kristovym

Urdu: Naya Saal Mubarak Ho

Viatnamita: Chung Mung Giang Sinh

Zulu: Nginifisela inhlanhla ne mpumelelo e nyakeni.


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